Friday, August 26, 2005

How soon they forget

In regards to my last post. Someone addressed the zen-esque beauty of the randomness provided by ipod shuffles. Don't get me wrong, I live randomness. I also believe that as soundtracks to our lives go, randomness works. But if you're reading a story (or looking at a movie) random words or images, although sometimes poignant at that moment, do not often tell a story. I feel that albums, with the a-sides and b-sides philosophy, were stories and songs the chapters in them.
On to the word of the day. Repine. To feel or express discontent or dejection: to long for something.
The Ottawa Senators will repine for the days in the following season without Marian Hossa. My quasi-namesake was one of the only scary factors during the last played NHL season playoffs. As a Leaf fan, watching Hossa with the puck was slightly disturbing, knowing that at anymoment he could skate through the entire defence and score. But apparently he 'dissappeared' in the playoffs according to some. Big mistake. Not that Heatley isn't good. Just that he comes with his own bag of demons, and quite frankly, has, hold on a sec while I count it up here, divide by 7, carry the 4....exactly zero playoff experience in the NHL. And Hasek's bones should have calcified by now, making his dexterity limited. It's going to be an interesting season. I look forward to people throwing ice at me at the bars whilest I wear my Leaf jersey and celebrate stuff.


Anonymous said...

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Kididng. Great word by the way. I've taken the risk of opening up this blog to you without telling the others. I trust you will be discreet when viewing and not post a blog else my number will be up. They're very funny that way. At the same time, I'd love to have you peek at what were looking at. On second thought, why don't I just e-mail it to you so some yahoo doesn't see my blog and infect it with insurance and what have you.

- Jord

Anonymous said...

Hey there. I really value what you just said there. It reminds me of buying life insurance. Maybe you should visit my site and find out more.

Kididng. Great word by the way. I've taken the risk of opening up this blog to you without telling the others. I trust you will be discreet when viewing and not post a blog else my number will be up. They're very funny that way. At the same time, I'd love to have you peek at what were looking at. On second thought, why don't I just e-mail it to you so some yahoo doesn't see my blog and infect it with insurance and what have you.

- Jord